[VRChat] [SDK3] Wandering NPC System Kit
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This is a tool kit of wandering NPC system for VRChat SDK3 worlds. This tool kit is intended to use with custom characters and animations (locomotion) and it does not come with any default character models and/or animator controllers, you will need to prepare those separately in order to use this. But if you have a character/avatar model and you want to put it into your world but you don't have any program or don't know how to program to make it move, this tool kit may be a good choice to achieve your needs. This NPC system provides these features: - Wandering around (Using Unity's Navigation System) - Randomly looking at someone - Pick up items and put back to its original place when the item is no longer used for a while - Look at you if you bother it to put back the items - Fully networked, everyone should see the NPC is doing the same thing at the same location Currently it does not have any directly interaction features, users in the world cannot interact with the NPCs created by this system without additional programs. Introduction and setup guide is provided here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRIX0EfWZv5ISfRCgOiCThKsclJoeDVlVaLTc-yZBeCbgD1j62y7yMI3AjHMJnI3FMIASj3Q9pQecHX/pub If you want to see actual how it performs, you may go to this world: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_61f2fa45-e023-48dd-8c69-fdb658da9347 Known issue: The NPC may not find a route if the world is too small and it is at the border.
Change Log
V1.0 - Initial Release V1.1 - Removed an extra script from the unitypackage file. V1.2 - Upgraded to support U# 1.0, please use the provided unitypackage. Please delete UdonBehaviourInspectorDrawer.cs in your project if you imported V1.0 file, that is an unrelated script file and will cause build failure.
Terms of use / 利用規約
[EN] Add to worlds (include public ones): Allowed Add to avatars (include public ones): Not Applicable Modify 3D model/sources for your needs: Allowed Extract the 3D model/sources to use in elsewhere: Allowed Redistribute in source form: Disallowed [JP] ワールドに追加(公開したものも含む):許可 アバターに追加(公開したものも含む):不適用 モデルやソースの変更:許可 他所に利用するためモデルやソースの抽出:許可 ソースの再配布:不許可 THE SOURCE DATA IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOURCE DATA OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOURCE DATA.