
[VRChat] [SDK3] 3D Hologram Projector

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This is a 3D hologram projector which is designed to be used in VRChat worlds. It uses raymarching to project what the camera captures. The projection target can be moved, rotated, scaled, cloned and/or changed to any geometry mesh you want. The package included 2 variants: Static camera Handheld camera To use it, just import latest VRChat SDK3 for world, UdonSharp, then the package itself, drag the prefab to your world scene, adjust the position and settings if applicable and you are good to go. VRChat SDK3 for Worlds: https://vrchat.com/home/download UdonSharp: https://github.com/MerlinVR/UdonSharp/releases/latest Although this has been setup for VRChat SDK3 worlds in default, you can use the projector shader alone in elsewhere too (the shader itself does not depend on anything other than Unity)! If you want to see it in action, you may go to this world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_1a393439-6912-4ba2-b901-53026db07274 Change Log V0.1 (20/07/2021) - Initial Release V0.2 (21/07/2021) - Fixed a bug causes camera not working with VR mode. V0.3 (22/07/2021) - Added a camera model (provided by BIG BOSS) V0.4 (08/08/2021) - Upgraded to Unity 2019

[VRChat] [SDK3] 3D Hologram Projector
[VRChat] [SDK3] 3D Hologram Projector
[VRChat] [SDK3] 3D Hologram Projector
[VRChat] [SDK3] 3D Hologram Projector
This is a 3D hologram projector which is designed to be used in VRChat worlds. It uses raymarching to project what the camera captures. The projection target can be moved, rotated, scaled, cloned and/or changed to any geometry mesh you want. The package included 2 variants: Static camera Handheld camera To use it, just import latest VRChat SDK3 for world, UdonSharp, then the package itself, drag the prefab to your world scene, adjust the position and settings if applicable and you are good to go. VRChat SDK3 for Worlds: https://vrchat.com/home/download UdonSharp: https://github.com/MerlinVR/UdonSharp/releases/latest Although this has been setup for VRChat SDK3 worlds in default, you can use the projector shader alone in elsewhere too (the shader itself does not depend on anything other than Unity)! If you want to see it in action, you may go to this world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_1a393439-6912-4ba2-b901-53026db07274 Change Log V0.1 (20/07/2021) - Initial Release V0.2 (21/07/2021) - Fixed a bug causes camera not working with VR mode. V0.3 (22/07/2021) - Added a camera model (provided by BIG BOSS) V0.4 (08/08/2021) - Upgraded to Unity 2019

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